Day 35: When you don’t know, just go!

I like to link what I learn at church on Mondays somehow to the health and fitness topic of this blog. Sometimes I come out corny, but I think this principle is pretty applicable to both. Tonight they talked about how God basically sucks at giving directions. Now you might think that’s pretty harsh, but hear me out: God intentionally gives vague directions. At one point in Genesis when He is talking to Abraham he says, “Go to the land I will show you,”….uh, what? And instead of questioning where exactly that would be, which way to go, and how far, Abraham just picked up and went. Along the way he would stop and talk to God to check and see if he was headed in the right direction, and he would build altars to worship God along his path too. See, God wasn’t focused on the direction Abraham was going, He was focused on the connection between them. Because he didn’t tell Abraham everything he needed to know, he had to trust in God, and seek HIm along the way. This is often why we feel like God doesn’t just slap us in the face with an answer when we ask, He wants a relationship with us more than anything, so to make us lean fully on Him he doesn’t reveal all of the answers; yet another reason His ultimate plan is so much greater than our own. So if you’re trying to make a big decision and you’re not seeing which direction you think God wants you to go, just go, and focus on your connection with God. This is an important lesson for everyone who only comes to God when they need something, even if they are trying to do the right thing and go where they feel God wants them. If you don’t know which way to go, just go.

In the same sense, many people over think healthy lifestyle changes. They are afraid they will look silly in the gym because they don’t know what to do. They aren’t sure what exactly they need to be eating to lose weight. If you don’t know, just go! No matter how slow you run, you are faster than the person sitting on the couch.

I was still sore from  my long run yesterday so I took a slow day today–couldn’t have been a more perfect day to train inside either because the rain just didn’t quit. Before I hit the gym I had egg whites, some smoked salmon, and a mix of cantaloupe and raspberries. So simple yet so filling!


I did 4.0mph on the treadmill at an incline of 10 for an hour per the advice of a friend of mine, and then proceeded with another hour of weights, mainly arms, back and abs. Lunch was leftover paleo spaghetti and meatballs from last night. Dinner was fish tacos (minus the actual taco lol). I used the sashimi grade tuna I got from The Fresh Market so I was able to just sear it, and I gave it a sesame ginger crust…delish. I also made a cilantro sauce from greek yogurt, paleo mayonnaise, lime, salt & pepper. Topped it all off with some pineapple jicama kale slaw. This meal reminds me of a beautiful day on the beach, much needed after the dreary day outside.





(The one with the tortilla I served everyone else was so much prettier than my meat/slaw lump–RIP grains)

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